Legal Policy Group
Legal Policy Group

MinLaw ensures a sound and progressive legal framework that is relevant and modern, provides access to justice, and upholds the rule of law.
The Legal Policy Group (LPG) comprises the Civil & Legislative Policy Division and the Criminal Policy Division. The LPG regularly reviews laws and drives reforms in civil, criminal, family, and community justice, and governance matters. Under the Criminal Policy Division, the Criminology Unit conducts empirical criminological research.
Some of MinLaw’s recent law reform projects include legislative amendments to facilitate electronic statutory declarations, oaths and affirmations, and notarisations, family justice reforms to streamline family proceedings and facilitate more sustainable maintenance outcomes for families, and amendments to improve our criminal justice system as well as coronial process.
Where necessary, MinLaw conducts legal policy assessments of Government Bills to ensure that they reflect sound legal policy principles and are consistent with Singapore’s Constitution.
MinLaw’s functions are distinct from the Judiciary (which comprises the Supreme Court, State Courts and the Family Justice Courts), which adjudicates on matters brought before the Courts. MinLaw is also separate from the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC). The Attorney-General serves as the legal adviser to the Government and is also the Public Prosecutor.
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Last updated on 19 Sep 2023